*If you ask me, the coffee that my mother makes is numero uno.
The term can also be used to refer to oneself.
*Sure, I will help you. But tell me, what's in it for numero uno?
Uno one
In the card game Uno, a zero with a slash means that the player can choose any color to play next. It acts as a wild card, allowing the player to change the color of play to their advantage. This card adds an element of strategy and unpredictability to the game.
Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, (10)diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince, diecisies, diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve, (20)Veinte, Veinte-y-uno, Veinte-y-dos...(30)Treinta, Treinta-y-uno, Treinta-y-dos, ...(40)cuarenta, cuarenta-y-uno, cuarenta-y-dos, ...(50)cincuenta, cincuenta-y-uno, cincuenta-y-dos,...(60)sesenta, sesenta-y-uno,sesenta-y-dos, ...(70)setenta, setenta-y-uno, setenta-y-dos, ...(80)Oichenta, Oichenta-y-uno, Oichenta-y-dos,...(90)noventa, noventa-y-uno, noventa-y-dos, ...(100)cien
Un, or uno, or one.... Un is French. Uno is Spanish. And one is english is case you didn't know.
uno, due, tre
Las Numero Uno was created in 2010.
Balitang Bayan Numero Uno was created in 1991.
It means: You are my number one.
The duration of Balitang Bayan Numero Uno is 2 hours.
it was numero uno
number 1
Numero Uno - 1982 1-12 was released on: USA: 1 July 1982
Usted es mi numero uno - you are my number one. Very excellent friend (female)
numero uno
Number one in Japanese
The cast of Numero uno in lista - 2008 includes: Giuseppe Battiston Luciana Castellina Sandro Viola
Number one or the best.