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Q: No Nobel Prize is awarded for mathematics because Alfred Nobel's wife had an affair with a mathematician?
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Why isn't there a Nobel Prize for math?

No one's exactly sure why there's no Nobel prize for math. One story claims that Alfred Nobel decided against a prize for mathematics because Nobel believed Gösta Mittag-Leffler would be likely to win it, and Nobel had had a romantic rivalry with him over Signe Lindfors (Mittag-Leffler's wife). However, there's no historical evidence to support this story, and it's not known exactly why no prize was created for mathematics. It's possible that Nobel simply didn't find it interesting enough.

What does the E stand for in Alfred E Neuman's name?

It stands for Edsel, as in Alfred Edsel Neuman, mascot of Mad Magazine.

Contribution of Alfred North Whitehead to mathematics?

Alfred North Whitehead, English mathematician and philosopher, was born in England in 1861, schooled at home until age 14, and graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge in 1884. There he was a lecturer in mathematics until 1911. At the University of London he was a lecturer in applied mathematics and mechanics (1911--14) and professor of mathematics (1914--24). Ultimately, he moved to Harvard in 1924 where he was professor of philosophy and remained there for the rest of his life. He died in 1947 at the age of 86.Whitehead's distinction rests upon his contributions to mathematics and logic, the philosophy of science, and the study of metaphysics. In the field of mathematics Whitehead extended the range of algebraic procedures and, in collaboration with Bertrand Russell, wrote Principia Mathematica (3 vol., 1910--13), a landmark in the study of logic. His inquiries into the structure of science provided the background for his metaphysical writings. He criticized traditional categories of philosophy for their failure to convey the essential interrelation of matter, space, and time.Whitehead's life is often described as having three distinct phases roughly corresponding to his academic positions, and his influence can be felt in all three areas--that of a mathematician and logician (Trinity1884-1910), a philosopher of science (London 1910-1924) and a philosopher of metaphysics (Harvard from 1924 onward). During this latter period he developed a comprehensive metaphysical system which has come to be known as Process Philosophy. In contrast to traditional philosophies, he asserted the essential inter-relationship of matter, space, and time; that objects may be understood as a series of events and processes. This concept was elaborated further in his book Process and Reality (1929) to assert that the process of becoming, what he calls an actual occasion, rather than substance, constituted the fundamental metaphysical constituent of the universe. This was the genesis of the school of Process Philosophy which later influenced what has become to be known as Process New Thought.His philosophic construction as applied to religion offered a concept of God as interdependent with the world and developing with it; he rejected the notion of a perfect and omnipotent God. In 1945 he received the Order of Merit. His works include The Organisation of Thought (1916), Principles of Natural Knowledge (1919), The Concept of Nature (1920), The Principle of Relativity (1922), Science and the Modern World (1925), Religion in the Making (1926), Symbolism (1927), The Aims of Education and Other Essays (1929), Process and Reality (1929), Adventures of Ideas (1933), and Essays in Science and Philosophy(1947).

Who was the inventor of the train?

Alfred Zehden

What was Alfred Binet's IQ?


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The first, plain reason is simple: Alfred Nobel was never married. Probably, he did not care for mathematicians. For more information, please refer to: The first, plain reason is simple: Alfred Nobel was never married. Probably, he did not care for mathematicians. For more information, please refer to:

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Alfred Werner won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1913.

9 Has any Mathematician ever won a Nobel Prize If so Who When?

The most prominent such mathematicians are Bertrand Russell, a prominent philosopher as well as a logician, who was awarded the 1950 Nobel in Literature and John Nash who was awarded the 1994 Nobel in Economics for his study of equilibria in non-zero sum games.Moreover, (from Wikipedia): There is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics, which has led to considerable speculation about why Alfred Nobel omitted it.[32][33] Some recipients of the Nobel Prize in other fields also have notable achievements in or have made outstanding contributions to mathematics; for example, Bertrand Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1950) and Max Born and Walther Bothe shared the Nobel Prize in Physics (1954). Some others with advanced credentials in mathematics and/or who are known primarily as mathematicians have been awarded the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel: Kenneth Arrow (1972), Leonid Kantorovich (1975), John Forbes Nash (1994), Clive W. J. Granger (2003), Robert J. Aumann (who shared the 2005 Prize with Thomas C. Schelling), and Roger Myerson and Eric Maskin (2007).

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In 1906, when he had been rehabilitated and was re-installated as an Army officer.

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Alfred Hermann Fried won The Nobel Peace Prize in 1911.

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William Alfred Fowler won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1984.

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Alfred D. Hershey won The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1969.

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Alfred G. Gilman won The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1994.

Why did Alfred Hermann Fried win The Nobel Peace Prize in 1911?

The Nobel Peace Prize 1911 was awarded jointly to Tobias Michael Carel Asser and Alfred Hermann Fried