

Is wonders a action verb

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Is wonders a action verb
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Is wonders a verb?

wonders is a verb. "He wonders about baseball" what is he doing? wondering!

What kind of verb is wonders?

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Is wonders a linking verb or a action verb?

The verb to 'wonder' is an action verb, a word for the act of wondering.The easy way to recognize a linking verb is that a linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject (Mary is my sister. Mary=sister); or the subject becomes the object (Mary's feet got wet. feet->wet).

Is raised a linking verb or a action verb?

It is an action verb.

Is began a linking verb or a action verb?

began is an action verb, not a linking verb.

Is sent a action verb or linking verb?

"Sent" is an action verb. It shows an action, such as "she sent an email."

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what follows a linking or action verb

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Action verb

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It is an action verb.

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action verb

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Action verb

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An action verb