Tree house is not a compound word.
However, two online dictionaries and Scrabble dictionaries now recognize the compound form treehouse.
No, tree house is not a compound word.
Tree trunk is a compound word
The compound word for the highest point of a fir tree is "treetop." In this compound word, "tree" is the primary noun, and "top" functions as a modifier specifying the location of the tree. This compound word effectively conveys the specific part of the fir tree being referenced.
Lighthouse is a compound word.
Yes, warehouse is a compound word made up of 'ware' and 'house'; a place to house wares.
No, tree house is not a compound word.
Tree trunk is a compound word
Tree trunk is a compound word
Palm tree is not a compound word.
The compound word for the highest point of a fir tree is "treetop." In this compound word, "tree" is the primary noun, and "top" functions as a modifier specifying the location of the tree. This compound word effectively conveys the specific part of the fir tree being referenced.
Tree trunk is not a compound word.
No. House pet is not a compound word.
Boathouse is a compound word.
The compound word that links house, paper, and blower is "paperweight."
Lighthouse is a compound word.
Yes Housefly is a compound word because its two words made to a word. where does the fly it lives in a house. house + fly = Housefly so housefly is a compound word
Yes, warehouse is a compound word made up of 'ware' and 'house'; a place to house wares.