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Q: Is there an Eva in The Bible?
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What does Eva translate to in Hebrew?

Eva translates to Chavva (חווה), which means "life". Chavva was also the first woman in the Bible.

Are you all children of Adam and Eva?

The bible clearly says that beside Abel and Cain, Adam had other sons and daughters.

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When was Eva contro Eva created?

Eva contro Eva was created on 2006-05-12.

What is the birth name of Eva Wyrwal?

Eva Alw's birth name is Eva Charlotta Scholander.

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What is the birth name of Eva Speyer?

Eva Speyer's birth name is Eva Stckl Speyer.

How tall is Eva Derrek?

Eva Derrek is 5' 8".

What has the author Eva Allende written?

Eva Allende has written: 'Eva Luna'

What nicknames does Eva Magdalenski go by?

Eva Magdalenski goes by Eva Magazine.

What nicknames does Eva Ford go by?

Eva Ford goes by Eva the Diva.