Yes, the word 'steps' is both a verb and a noun.
The noun 'steps' is the plural form of the singular noun 'step', a word for:
The verb 'steps' is the first person, singular, present of the verb to step; a word for an action.
The word 'pedometer' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for an instrument for estimating the distance traveled on foot by recording the number of steps taken; a word for a thing.
Examples of abstract/concrete noun combinations are:birthday cake; the noun 'birthday' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept; the noun 'cake' is a concrete noun as a word for a type of food.card game; the noun 'card' is a concrete noun as a word for a small piece of cardboard marked with characters; the noun 'game' is an abstract noun as a word for a science; the concrete noun 'computer' as a word for an electronic unit; the noun 'science' as a word for a concept.marriage license; the noun 'marriage' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept; the noun license is a concrete noun as a word for a document.
Yes, the word 'mathematics' is a noun, a common, uncountable, abstract noun; a word for a concept, a word for a thing.
Yes, the word abbreviation is a noun, a word for a thing.
Yes, word dozen is a noun, a singular common noun; a word for a quantity or a number, a thing.
Yes, the plural noun steps is a common noun, a word for any steps anywhere.
The word 'steps' is the plural form for the noun step, a concrete noun as a word for movement in the position of the feet or the components of a stairway or something resembling stairs.The noun 'steps' is an abstract noun as a word fora series of actions or measures taken to achieve a goal.The word 'steps' is also the third person, singular, present of the verb to 'step'.
Yes, the noun 'intervention' is an abstract noun, a word for any number of steps or actions that are used to affect an outcome; a word for a process; a word for a concept.
Steps can be a noun: He took several steps to get closer to the door. Steps can be a verb: They step lightly around my father.
No, the word 'steps' is the third person, singular present of the verb 'to step' and the plural form of the noun'step'.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Examples:Marion steps up to the microphone to sing her solo. (verb)There were pots of flowers on the steps to the front door. (noun)Take the steps at the end of the park. Theywill take you to Oak Street. (the pronoun 'they' takes the place of the noun 'steps' in the second sentence)
The noun process is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a series of actions or steps taken to achieve an end. The word process is also a verb: process, processes, processing, processed.
The term 'dance steps' is a noun phrase, a group of words based on a noun that functions as a unit in a sentence as a noun.Examples:These dance steps are difficult to learn. (subject of the sentence)I learned the dance steps from my mother. (direct object of the verb 'learned')The hand movements are as important as the dance steps. (object of the prepositions 'as')
The word 'pedometer' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for an instrument for estimating the distance traveled on foot by recording the number of steps taken; a word for a thing.
No, the word 'speedily' is the adverb form of the noun speed.Examples:He ran speedily up the steps. (adverb, modifies the verb 'ran')He ran up the steps with speed. (noun, object of the preposition 'with')
The word "and" is not a noun. The word "and" is a conjunction, a word that joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words.Example: Jack and Jill got a bucket of water and washed the front steps.A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.The nouns in the example sentence are: Jack, Jill, bucket, water, steps.
The word "and" is not a noun. The word "and" is a conjunction, a word that joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words.Example: Jack and Jill got a bucket of water and washed the front steps.A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.The nouns in the example sentence are: Jack, Jill, bucket, water, steps.
The word children is the plural noun. The singular form is child.Examples:A child sat on the steps with her mom.There will be four children for lunch.