Neither, mathematics is plural. The plural possessive is mathematics'.
The noun 'scales' is a plural noun, a word form two or more.The singular noun is 'scale'.
The noun 'sharpener' is singular, a word for one.The plural noun is 'sharpeners'.
No, "it" is used for singular subjects, while "they" is used for plural subjects.
The noun mathematics is a non-count noun, a singular noun with no plural form.
The noun mathematics is a non-count noun, a singular noun with no plural form.
Mathematics is a plural noun; an aggregate noun with no singular form. An aggregate noun us a word representing an indefinite number of parts.
Neither, mathematics is plural. The plural possessive is mathematics'.
The word team is singular; the plural form is teams.
These is plural, this is singular
Lance is singular. Lances is plural.
There is none. Nouns like news are plural in form but singular in meaning, including sciences such as mathematics and physics. News always uses a singular verb.
The word 'Phenomenon' is singular. The plural form is 'Phenomena'.
The word metastasis is singular, metastases is plural.
The word "ground" can be both singular and plural. Singular: "The ground is wet." Plural: "The grounds of the park are well-maintained."