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Q: Is the word many an adverb?
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Is the word many a adverb?

the word many is not an adverb since an adverb is and adjective describing a verb and "Mary ran many" isn't correct. words like quickly and steadily are adverbs.

Is many an adverb or adjective?

The word " Many" is an adjective not an adverb. An adverb describes " how, when...etc. " An adjective describes a noun " person, place or thing " did this help??

Is the word ( from ) a adverb?

It is never an adverb. It is always a preposition. The word "within" can be an adverb or a preposition, and the word "forthwith" (immediately) is an adverb.

How is the word 'with' an adverb?

It is never an adverb. It is always a preposition. The word "within" can be an adverb or a preposition, and the word "forthwith" (immediately) is an adverb.

Is the word into an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb. The word into is a preposition.

Is eccentric an adverb?

No, the word eccentric is not an adverb. The word is an adjective and a noun.The adverb form of the word is eccentrically.

Is full an adverb?

No. Full is an adjective. The adverb form is "fully."

Is formal an adverb?

No, formal is an adjective, the adverb is formally.

Is there not an adverb?

The word not is an adverb. The word there can be an adverb. The combination "not there" is a compound adverb.The homophone phrase "they're not" includes a pronoun, a verb, and an adverb, because the adverb not has to modify an understood adjective or adverb (e.g. "They're not colorful).

What is adverb?

adverb is word that modified a verb,adjective.or other adverb

Is endless an adverb?

No, endless is an adjective, a word that describes a noun. The adverb form is endlessly.

Is elegant an adverb?

No, the word "elegant" is not an adverb. The word "elegant" is an adjective.The adverb form of the word "elegant" is elegantly.