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Yes the story of Noah is in the Old Testament in the book of genises.

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Q: Is the story of Noah in the Old Testament?
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What testament is Noah and the ark in?

The story of Noah and the ark is found in the first book of the old testament Genesis.

Is Noah mentioned in the Old or New Testament?

Noah comes in the old testament , in the book of genesis.Another answer:The full account of Noah is in Genesis, but the New Testament also refers to him eight times, so the answer to your question is: Both.

Where is the story of noah in the old testament?

Genesis ch.6-9.

Which story has a parallel version in the Old Testament?

The story of Noah in the oldtestament and the story of the flood in the epic of gilgamesh.

What is the best known story of the Old Testament?

AnswerThe two best known stories in the Old Testament would probably be the story of Adam and Eve, and the story of Noah's Flood.

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Noah's ark is an old testament story which means it is true for both jewish and christian people.

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Noah .

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Who was freed from the flood in the Old Testament?

Noah and his family

Is the story of the burning bush is it in the old or the new testament?

The story of the Burning Bush is Old Testament.

What is an example of a covenant in the Old Testament?

In the story Noah's Ark, God makes a covenant to Noah and the rest of the world which comes in the form of a rainbow. He promises that he will never send a global flood again. Hope I helped!

What is the fisrt story in the Old Testament?

The first story in the old testament is found in the book of genesis The story of the great creation.