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Masada is not found in the Bible.

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Q: Is the story of Masada in the Holy Bible?
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Is the story of masada found in the Bible?

The story of Masada is not found in the Bible.

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There is no such story in the Holy Bible.

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The Bible= Judaism and christianity.... the bible book of exodus............

Where can you find a story about decision making?

Go study the Holy bible and you will get the answer.

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Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism. He contributed to the Holy Bible by sharing his story.

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Yes. The Holy Spririt/God communicated the entire bible to different people and they wrote His words.

What book in the Holy Bible tells about a man in prison who tells a story with a deck of cards and what chapter is it in?

That is an old story but it is not in the Bible. See the link below for more information.

Where is the story of the samaritan women located in the Holy Bible?

John 4:1-26.

How do different religions put there ideas into practice like the good samaritan?

The good samaritan is a story from the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is from God for people who are already Christians or who will be Christians some day.

How is this belief reflected in the story of Noah's Ark?

You have to believe it. It is not a story as it is mentioned in the Bible and the Quran, and both are Holy Scriptures and word of God

which book in bible is called the Gospel of the Holy Spirit?

There is no book in the Bible called the "Gospel of the Holy Spirit." The Gospels in the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which tell the story of Jesus' life and teachings. The Holy Spirit is mentioned throughout the New Testament as the third person of the Trinity.

The christians holy book is the Bible?

Yes indeed the holy book of the Christians is the BIBLE.