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Yes The Bible is very important for every Chrisitan

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Q: Is the bible a very special book for all chistians?
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What book of the bible is about the future?

he Book of Revelations is about a very strange vision of the future.

How is The Bible respected?

The bible is a very vastly read book , and is also respected by other religions , and they to reaspect the bible.

Why were there 52 errors in the Bible?

A:I am afraid there are far more than 52 errors in the Bible. Even if we accept the religious truth of everything in the Bible, there are very, very many scientific and historical errorsin the Bible, as well as contradictions and anomalies. The Bible is a book of faith, not a book of fact.

Is the bible more researched than any other book?

Yes indeed the bible is most researched book ever. As they have to research each book very carefuly.

Is the Bible the best book to read?

I would say it is the very best book to read and if you are a Christian it is God's book to you.

What was the name of the very first book ever published?

I believe the answer is the Bible

Where were King Solomon's proverbs included in The Bible?

The book of Ecclesiastes. He often sounds very depressed in that book.

Has a book ever outsold the bible?

Due to the multiple translations and number of publishers of the bible, sales figures are next to impossible to track. However, it is very likely that any book has ever outsold the Bible.

What is your 1926 bible worth?

Unless it has a very special binding or is very unusual in some way, there is no reason why it should be of any great financial value - 1922 isn't very old for a copy of the Bible.

How many books are there in Revelation?

Revelation is one book of 66 in the Bible and is the very last book. There are 22 chapters.

What book of the Bible says what heaven is like?

The book of Revelation gives us a very good idea of heaven.

What is the longest book that is not an encyclopedia?

the "devil's bible" is the largest and heaviest....enter it into a wikipedia search. very, very, very interesting backstory.