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The King James Bible translation originated in 1611. There were a handful of translations before the King James Version in English and other languages. Today there are hundreds of Bible versions in many different translations and languages.

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Q: Is the King James version the only bible?
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The word "prostitute" is in the King James Version of the Bible 1 time. It is in 1 verse. The noun for a prostitute in the King James Version of the Bible is "whore." The word "prostitute" is used only as a verb in the King James Version of the Bible.

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There are 783,137 words in the King James Version of the Bible; there are only 12,143 different English words in it.

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The only dog breed mentioned in the King James Version of the Bible is the Greyhound. It is mentioned in the Old Testament in Proverbs 30:29-31.

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In the King James version the word - only - appears 253 times

How do you cite the king James version of the bible in bibliography?

To cite the King James Version of the Bible in a bibliography, use the following format: Title of the Bible (Version). Place of publication: Publisher, Year. For example: The Holy Bible (King James Version). Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982.

What version of the Bible do the Gideons use?

Usually the Authorized Version - the King James Version though they also give out the New King James Version. If they are only giving out a New Testament, they used to give a modern English Version. See link.