

Best Answer

In america, yes

suprisingly becuz Christians and other religions shouldn't steal

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Q: Is the Bible the most shoplifted book?
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What book is the world's most shoplifted?

Strangely, the world's most shoplifted book is the Holy Bible. It is also the best selling book now and in the history of the world.

What is the most shoplifted book in America?

I've heard that Bibles are the most commonly stolen books. But I also imagine that Steal This Book, by Abbie Hoffman, is stolen a lot... The book most often stolen from public libraries is The Guinness Book of Records.

What is the most shoplifted book?

Books that are stolen the most from public libraries include:Sports Illustrated's annual swimsuit editionBooks that deal with sex (including erotica), including the book The Joy of SexArt books - especially if they contain nudityTest prep booksNon-Circulating/Out-of-Print Reference Books, including manuals, DIY books, and divorce kits.Bestsellers and pop novelsBooks dealing with controversial, taboo, or paranormal topics, such as witchcraft, UFOs, and the occultBooks that are on required reading lists.The Bible

How many bibles have been printed to date?

To date there have been approximately 6,001,500,000 bibles printed. The bible is one of the most shoplifted books in the world, as well as being one of the most read and studied.

Is the bible the most bought book in 2009?

Here are facts. the bible is the most sold book, the most despised book and also the most burnt book in the world.

What book of the bible has most to say about Christ's advent?

what book in the bible says the most about christs advent

What book of the Bible has the most words?

The longest book of the Bible is Psalms.

Is the most published book Tao or the Bible?


What is the most spiritual book in the Bible?

`The book of John

What is the most sold book?

The Bible

Why did Gutenberg choose the bible as the first book he wanted to print?

It was the most important book to him and the most desired book at the time. The Bible was (and still remains) the most published and commonly owned book in the World.

What all time record does the book of the bible hold?

The bible is inthe Guiness book of record as the most sold book ever.