

Best Answer
  • The Bible is a storybook placing the setting in historical places and persons.
  • While the Bible is a story book it is His-Story, that is the story of Jesus Christ who created the world in the beginning , who redeemed it on the cross and who will come again. Some of the Biblical record is clearly in the 'storytelling' genre such as Jesus' parables. Much of the Old and New Testament contains historical details which can and have been tested, particularly since the advent of modern archaeology in the last hundred years or so. Much that was thought to be nonsense due to the anti-Biblical evolutionary view (when applied to history) of the 19th Century scholars such as Wellhausen etc has been proven true. Good examples are the assumption that the Hittites spoken of in Genesis, Exodus, Joshua and Samuel etc simply did not exist and that Moses could not have written what was attributed to him (in 1400 BC) since such literary skills were not supposed to have 'evolved' yet. Both of these and other assumptions based on an anti-Biblical bias without the slightest basis in fact, have been proven false and the Bible shown to be historical fact.

    So, while all the historical events mentioned in the Bible undoubtedly occurred, it is not primarily a book of history but the story of mankind and of God's dealings with man, particularly of His redemptive purpose and His character of justice and of love and of power etc. The historical events are relevant because they are the points where the infinite and eternal God had dealings with man or where the wrongs of man are highlighted 'for our instruction'. This also explains why many other important historical events which occurred at the same time the Bible was being written are not recorded there.

  • It is a book of fiction written by people who believed what they wrote. There are a lot of facts and details in the Bible that make it a valuable resource. We know a lot about how the political world was structured, what people ate, what the wore, how they spent their days, who they traded with and how they viewed their world and the people in it. We learned a lot of this from reading the Bible. The Bible is an excellent resource if you want to know more about the people who's story it is. But, the story itself is just a story.
  • The Bible is a history book because it is all completely true. In regards to Revelations (which hasn't happened yet), it definetely will happen.
  • It is also a story book. You will notice much of the Old Testament is comprised of many stories. These are true historical stories, but they are there for more than just to give an historical account of something or someone. The stories in the Old Testament are like word pictures that paint pictures of concepts that were later revealed by Christ and in the New Testament. All New Testament teachings are found within the pages of the Old Testament, many of these teachings are illustrated clearly by certain stories, where the Characters in the stories are a Type of a truth or a person illustrated in the New Testament. Two examples, are Joseph and David. They are types of Jesus Christ, they are 2 of 21 to be found in the Old Testament. The purpose of each of these types is to show or demonstrate certain characteristics that the future character, or teaching will embody, they flesh things out. So in that sense, the Bible is also a storybook, but with very deep meanings attached to everything.
  • There are many rescources proving the truth of the Bible. I found "And God Said..." by Dr. Farid Abou-Rahme most enlightening.


***** There is almost universal agreement amongst professional historians that the Jewish, Christian and Muslim bibles are fiction - from cover to cover. The notion that there is a framework of historical fact lurking within these books is utterly obsolete. Nothing in these books corresponds to the broad strokes of history as assessed by archaeologists, linguists, historians and geneticists.

***** Holy books are a kind of pseudo-history, written by people who lacked a modern concept of academic honesty. Their authors believed that self-glorifying legends of divine origins could be turned into fact just by writing them down. It is unfortunate that so many 21st century people, living in academically free countries, fail to understand the difference between legitimate scholarship and pre-scientific storytelling.

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Q: Is the Bible a storybook or a history book?
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What book of the Bible is considered the history book?

The books of the Bible that are traditionally catalogued as "history books" are the following: Joshua Judges Ruth I & II Samuel I & II Kings I & II Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther

How do you tell the Bible is true?

The Bible wasn’t written to teach science or to be a school textbook, but what it says about scientific matters is always accurate. When the Bible talks about history, it is always accurate.The fact that so many Bible prophecies have already come true means that we can trust what the Bible says about the future. The Bible can change your life. It can help you to know who you really are. It can help you to understand your deepest thoughts and feelings. Truly the Word of God.

How is the Bible more than a history book?

Much of the Old Testament is in the form of a history book, and scholars continue to establish to what extent its narratives are based on actual fact. But the Bible is much more than a history book. First and foremost it is a scripture, sacred to Judaism and Christianity. It is also a compendium of ancient myths and legends.

Is the Bible more than just a religious book?

AnswerThe Bible is a religious book, the scripture of Christianity. The first part of the Bible, known to Christians as the Old testament, is the main scripture of Judaism.Some see the Bible as also a book of history, but others caution that the biblical history is not always accurate and any historical accounts in the Bible should be confirmed by independent sources. Others see parts of the Bible as containing the legends of the Hebrew people.AnswerSome see the Bible in it's entirety and Jesus Christ as the pure Word of God.

Who originally wrote the Gutenberg bible?

The Gutenberg Bible was the first book in recorded history to be printed, but was written by the original writers of the individual books.

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The first reading in the Bible is generally from the Book of Genesis, which describes the creation of the world and the early history of humanity.

What book is the world's most shoplifted?

Strangely, the world's most shoplifted book is the Holy Bible. It is also the best selling book now and in the history of the world.

What is the theme in the book of history in the Bible?

Jesus Christ and his bride, the Church.

What book of the Bible is considered the history book?

The books of the Bible that are traditionally catalogued as "history books" are the following: Joshua Judges Ruth I & II Samuel I & II Kings I & II Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther

How do you tell the Bible is true?

The Bible wasn’t written to teach science or to be a school textbook, but what it says about scientific matters is always accurate. When the Bible talks about history, it is always accurate.The fact that so many Bible prophecies have already come true means that we can trust what the Bible says about the future. The Bible can change your life. It can help you to know who you really are. It can help you to understand your deepest thoughts and feelings. Truly the Word of God.

What is the best storybook or novel or whatsoever in the world?

in my opinion the best book ever has to be Romeo and Juliet.(if you will consider it as a book)

What is 1 history book in the Bible?

The start of the 'reign of man' begins in Genesis.