

Is suicide painful

Updated: 11/2/2022
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10y ago

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To the person who was to commit suicide , no not really I mean in most suicide cases the individual wants to end the pain therefore they take there own life , but for the family and friends yes it is very painful

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Q: Is suicide painful
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No one has ever lived to tell.

How do you commit suicide safely?

Suicide is a dangerous action. You are risking permanent and painful damage to any organ system.

Is it easy to commit suicide?

No. The road you have to take to get in a suicidal thought process is a hard road. It is not quick nor painless. Suicide is also painful and hard to do emotionally and physically.

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your mum he takes her up the bum it is very painful i think you should commit suicide you are so sad

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Stephen Hawking, or any individual, should not be encouraged to commit suicide. It is important to provide support, resources, and care to individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts, rather than endorsing or enabling such actions. It is essential to prioritize mental health and well-being, and seek professional help in times of distress.

How do you commit suicide without any pain whatsoever and I don't want any of that talk about advising me against it?

There are many people that believe taking pills is the least painful way to commit suicide. It has been documented that there is no painless way that every way people have tried and not succeeded state it was painful. Please consult a physician or mental help profession before any action is taken.

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this is usually a health/ disease related medical death. Euthanasia is suicide that is performed as a medical procedure, usually because the patient has a terminal disease and the only other choice is a long, drawn out, painful death. this is because otherwise the patient will die, no matter what, and the doctor gets it over with.

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A suicide pill is a pill or capsule that contains a fatally potential substance that a person will deliberately ingest to cause their own death. They are known to be taken so that the person can avoid a more painful death such as torture, or to ensure the person does not leak sensitive information or to avoid interrogation.

Is suicide fun?

No, it's very sad. And it's either very emotional or not emotional. And it's painful, both physically and emotionally. That just ruins it's chances of being fun.

Can you commit suicide with propane gas?

It is possible to die from inhaling propane gas in a confined space, as it can displace oxygen and lead to suffocation. However, it is a dangerous and potentially painful method of suicide that can have serious consequences for others nearby. If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, it's important to seek help from a mental health professional or contact a helpline for support.

Why do people prevent suicide and why can't I make my own decision?

Some people object to suicide on religious grounds - only God can make life decisions. In an ideal, non-religious world, you should be able to make your own decision, but remember that your death will affect people near to you. Is your planned suicide merely hastening death because you have an incurable and painful illness, or is it because of mental pressures, which might be lessened by talking to someone?

What did cleopatras suicide note say?

Cleopatra's suicide note has not been preserved or recorded in historical texts. It is believed that she may have expressed her wish to be buried alongside her lover, Mark Antony, in her final moments.