

Is fact always true

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Well, that depends. :) If it really is a fact, then yes... but people sometimes think that things are facts and they really aren't, so people argue about things like that. In the past, people thought it was a fact that the world was flat... but then we found out it wasn't. Scientists, even now, argue over what things are fact and which aren't.

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Q: Is fact always true
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No. It will always be true that you have lost your virginity, just as it will always be true that you have lost your milk teeth or learned to write. It's a historical fact and can't be undone.

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This is not always the case, in fact, the opposite is usually true.

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It depends on what the fact is.

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The Moon always shows the same side to us.

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an identity? maybe a tautology? Comment by mgately: In the field of discrete mathematics (simplified the study of logic) any expression which always evaluates to true is in fact called a tautology. While less cool sounding, an expression which always evaluates to false is just called a contradiction.

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Tautologies are always true.

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Yes. But the fact must be true for EVERY parallelogram.