No, it is not. If you split it up it will be al together
Yes!!! Because the word Sunday can be split into two meaningful words. viz. 'sun' and 'day'.
Compound words,Also there is a Tmesis which is where you split a word in two and put a word like the middle such as ; AbsoBLOOMINGlouteley
Upwards is a compound word.
Upstairs is a compound word, so it is one word.
well banana split is a compound word
this is the french word for banana split banane split Hope it helps
The second character of the word banana split is the letter 'a'
You say it Banana Split! Who wouldnt known!
yes it is.
We just say banana split; sorry, not very exciting. : )
No, it is not. If you split it up it will be al together
i split the banana
For do a Banana Split :)
'banana split' is the name used in French as well. There is no French equivalent.
"un banana split"
a banana split or some type of desert