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Yes, that is above average. Anything between about from 90 to 110 is considered normal.

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Q: Is an IQ of 117 considered high for 11 year old boy?
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Is an IQ of 117 good enough for a 14 year old boy?

A score of 117 on an IQ test is considered above average. It indicates above average cognitive abilities for a 14 year old boy. However, it is important to note that intelligence is more complex than just one numerical score and can be demonstrated in various ways beyond an IQ test.

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Yes, an IQ of 158 is considered exceptionally high for a 14-year-old boy. It indicates advanced cognitive abilities and potential for academic and intellectual success. Your son may benefit from opportunities for gifted education and enrichment programs to further develop his talents.

Can a 24 year old woman get in trouble for being friends with a 17 year old boy?

A 24 year old woman needs to be very careful being friends with a 17 year old boy because he is still considered a minor. There is nothing wrong with going to a cafe on occasion (not a date) as friends, but to see each other too often there is a high possibility the 17 year old boy is vulnerable enough to have a crush on the 24 year old woman and things could get out of hand.

My IQ is 164 and I am just an 11 year old boy. Is that good?

you are considered a genius. congrats

If it's not a physical and your a 14 year old boy will the doctor touch you?

no that is considered sexual assult

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Nah your normal dude.

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Yes your both considered adult age

Can a nineteen year old girl get arrested for having a baby with a sixteen year old boy?

If he is considered a minor in his state and you are considered of legal age, then yes. It's then statutory rape.