About 95% of the population has IQ scores between 70 and 130. This is the average range on a standard IQ test.
100 is the average 130 and more = gifted people
somewhere between 105-120
The average IQ score is ALWAYS 100.
Definitely above average. I would say 125-130, maybe higher.
About 95% of the population has IQ scores between 70 and 130. This is the average range on a standard IQ test.
100 is the average 130 and more = gifted people
This is an okay score. The average score for anyone is about 100. Good scores are 130+.
The average IQ for everyone is 100
Average IQ is 100 always. Ones IQ is calculated relative to the average.
somewhere between 105-120
The average IQ score is ALWAYS 100.
130 is a very good IQ. Not genius, but definitely intelligent. An average IQ is 100. But if you took these IQ tests online, they may not be accurate. The best way to get an accurate IQ test is to take one at school or otherwise given by a professional, not online.
A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher is considered a high IQ.
The average IQ for engineers is typically around 120-130, which is considered to be above average. However, it's important to note that IQ is not the sole indicator of success or intelligence in the field of engineering.