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Q: Is absent and present synonyms or antonyms?
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Is absent present synonyms antonyms or homophones?


Is absent and present synonyms?

No, they are opposites, so they are antonyms.

Are absent and present homophone antonyms or synonyms?

No, absent and present are not homophones. Absent and present are antonyms, as absent means not being in a particular place or missing, while present means being in a particular place or existing now.

What is the antonyms of absent?


Are present and gift synonyms or antonyms?

Gift and present are synonyms.

Are rage and reason synonyms or antonyms?

They can be antonyms (opposite meanings), not synonyms.

What is the deffirent between antonyms and synonyms?

Antonyms: opposite. Synonyms: similar.

What are the synonyms and antonyms of mobile?

Synonyms: moving Antonyms: Fixed, Stationary

Synonyms and antonyms for convection current?

there is no synonyms or antonyms for convection current

What is the website for synonyms and antonyms?

go on 4 synonyms & antonyms

Is hiking and walking a antonyms or a synonyms?

Synonyms. Synonyms are words the same in meaning and antonyms are opposites

Are climb and ascend synonyms or antonyms?

They are synonyms. Synonyms have similar meanings, antonyms have opposing meanings.