for me it is good..
Very good!
IQ score is one test of ability to learn or process information.100 is consider average.If the score of 129 is accurate it would mean that a 12 year old would be able to learn at the same rate as a 15.5 year old.A 6 year old would be like a 7.75 year old.129 is considered bright. :)
not if your talking Kg
Well.....I'm a nine year old girl and my IQ score is 129 but i am very highly educated and my 13 year old friend has an IQ score of 105 so it is plossible.
Yes it is an iq over 120 is considered superior but i had 129 when i was 13
for me it is good..
Very good!
my little boy is 11 and he weighs 152
Good time for average 16 year old boy: 12.5s Average time for average 16 year old boy: 13s Average time for a good 16 year old boy: 11.5s Good time for a good 16 year old boy 11s
a good weight for a 9 year old is 35
Yes, Sonic the Hedgehog is a good gift for a 17 year old boy.
if i had a 15 year old boy i would give him a phone or a labtop
IQ score is one test of ability to learn or process information.100 is consider average.If the score of 129 is accurate it would mean that a 12 year old would be able to learn at the same rate as a 15.5 year old.A 6 year old would be like a 7.75 year old.129 is considered bright. :)
Sounds good.
a girlfriend