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... nothing to get all uppity about, smarty pants.

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Q: If an IQ of 85 is average than what is an IQ of 102?
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If you have an IQ of 102 how smart are you?

Average IQ score is 100.Your score is 'average'.

Is an IQ score of 102 good or bad for an adult?

102 is average.

What does an IQ 70 really mean?

below average iq, iq means Intelligence quotient. an average iq is 85 - 115

Is 102 IQ good for an 11 year old?

100 is an average IQ for ANY age. The IQ tests are not based on age. So 102 is fine.

What are some common IQ test?

The average IQ scores lie between 85-115. Making the average IQ 100.

What does a IQ of 85 mean?

Well, an average IQ score is 100, and the higher it is, the better, so 85 is...well, you can figure it out.

What is the average IQ for normal people?

21 Answer: 85 to 115.

Is an IQ of 102 good for a 20 year old?

An IQ score of 102 is considered average for a 20 year old. It means that you have normal intelligence when compared to other people.

What can you achieve with a 103 IQ?

More than you can achieve with a 102 IQ, and just a bit less than if you were cruisin' at 104

What is the average IQ of a juvenile delinquent?

according researches carried out by and according to the book i have been going through, the average IQ of the juvenile delinquents is 85 whereas the average group of children have the IQ of 100

Is 102 a good IQ for a 23 year old?

IQ scores are adapted for age with the average IQ for ANY age said to be 100. So it is not a score that gradually increases with age/experience/education. So an IQ of 102 is 2 points above the average, therefore being perfectly acceptable. However, it is said that all an IQ test measures is your ability to do well on an IQ test.

What the avrige IQ?

The average "IQ" on many standardized IQ tests is a standard score of 100. The "Average Range" is often 90 to 110 or 85 to 115, depending on the measure used.