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Q: If a hard fact or visual representation of a fact is needed which method of incorporating evidence would be most effective?
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What is the best way to lower triglycerides?

There are a variety of ways that help lower triglycerides. The most effective method would be changing your lifestyle. You can achieve this by incorporating more healthy foods into your diet as well as doing daily exercises.

What is the method of graphical representation of data?

A pictogram

What is the most effective method of contraception is?

i think the most effective method is a condom and the pill No it is Abstinence

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Typically medication is the most effective method. Your doctor can help determine what method will work for you.

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Introduction about type study method?

There are many introductions you could write about the study type method. You could say that the study type method is effective and why it is effective.

Which method is used in election of members of the lok sabha?

Territorial representation.

What is a scientific method most effective in?

The scientific method is most effective in proving or finding an answer to your initial Hypothesis. Many times the scientific method will lead you to new questions.

What is the melting method?

If you are referring to the melting method in regards to baking, it is done by melting the fat (butter, margarine, etc.) and the honey or molasses before incorporating it in the cake batter.

The investigative process incorporating reasoning and observation with the objective of arriving at explanatory theories is?

The investigative process that incorporates reasoning and observation to arrive at explanatory theories is known as the scientific method. This method involves formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments or observations to test these hypotheses, analyzing the data collected, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. The scientific method is iterative and aims to produce reliable and objective knowledge about the natural world.