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Revelation 1:8 tells us that God is the Alpha and Omega, meaning he has no beginning nor end. He is the first and the last.

Answer # 2

God our Father, has no Father. Our Father created all souls, even yours. You are his child. .."Shall the thing formed say unto him that formed it, why hast thou formed me thus?" (Romans 9:20)

The problem you are having is with understanding is that you have been taught the doctrines of men, who attempt to fit all things into this one earth age, which is not possible. Read 2nd Peter chapter 3 and see all three earth eons (ages) there. There was an earth eon (age) prior to this one, which perished in a flood. This is not Noah's flood as the conditions are described in the later verses of Jeremiah chapter 4 of complete and total destruction. Many people, animals and plants survived Noah's flood.

Your answer to our Father lies in understanding 2nd Peter chapter 3, Proverbs 8:22, Exodus 3:14, and Job 38, as starting places. As it is written at the mouth of the prophet Isaiah "For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD and there is none else" (Isaiah 45:18). It would help you to obtain a Strong's concordance and KJV bible and look up the word Formed and search out the associated verses in biblical text. You can get a Strong's concordance on line or and sometimes at your local library. As the communists (believers in Philosophia doctrine) take over this great nation (United States), given us by our Father, they are starting to systematically eliminate his works from our public libraries. You might not find a Stong's concordance at your local library for this reason.

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