To write the number 8000 in Roman numerals, you would use the symbol "VIII" followed by a larger symbol to represent multiplication. The larger symbol is a horizontal line above the "VIII," indicating that it should be multiplied by 1,000. Therefore, 8000 in Roman numerals is written as "VIII with a line above."
The number 8000 can be represented by the Roman numeral VIII with a horizontal bar placed above it or by the Roman numeral [VIII]
Shorthand it's (VIII). However write it fully which is MMMMMMMM.
(VIII) or VMMM but with an horizontal bar above the numeral V
It is: (VIII) which means 1000 times 8 = 8000
8000 in Roman numerals is VIII with a line over it. The line multiplies 8 to 8,000.
The number 8000 can be represented by the Roman numeral VIII with a horizontal bar placed above it or by the Roman numeral [VIII]
Shorthand it's (VIII). However write it fully which is MMMMMMMM.
(VIII) or VMMM but with an horizontal bar above the numeral V
It is: (VIII) which means 1000 times 8 = 8000
(VIII) = 1000*8 = 8000
There is a short hand to write it which is (VIII)CDXVI. (VIII) meaning 8000. Though the correct way to write 8416 would me - MMMMMMMMCDXVI.
CCCLX is the number 280 in roman numerals. This number is used to represent what roman used to write.
8000 = 8x103
The whole thousands that 7916 is between are 7000 and 8000
we write 5 in roman number like this :- V