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Roman numerals

19 = XIX

remove I

20 = XX

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Q: How would you write nineteen that if one is taken out then its remains twenty?
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How would you write nineteen that if you take out one it becomes twenty?

XIX. take I. it remains 20

How do you spell 1920?

The number 1920 is "one thousand nine hundred and twenty." The year (date) would be spoken "nineteen twenty."

How old would you be if you were born on the twenty fourth of February in 1989?

Nineteen as of December, 2008.

What are nineteen fifths in fractions?

19 divided by 5 = 3.8 Twenty fifths would be a whole number 4.

Ojofuffo is 19 then20?

it's nineteen coded with n+1 code, where n represents every single letter in word. twenty would be "uxfouz".

How do you spell the numeral 219?

I would write two hundred and nineteen.

What would twenty vicidon and fourteen Valium do to a person?

Taken in a short time frame or all at once it would kill you.

How do you spell the number's 19-40?

The English words for the numbers between 21 and 40 are:twenty-onetwenty-twotwenty-threetwenty-fourtwenty-fivetwenty-sixtwenty-seventwenty-eighttwenty-ninethirtythirty-onethirty-twothirty-threethirty-fourthirty-fivethirty-sixthirty-seventhirty-eightthirty-nineforty

What is thirteen out of nineteen on a test?

thirteen questions right out of a possible nineteen would be a 68%, i do not know the letter grade for that

What is the correct way to spell out 2009?

The number is "two thousand nine." This has been used for the year 2009, following on the form of the year 2000 (two thousand, not twenty hundred). However, the historical format for year dates uses the century number, as in "nineteen hundred" and "nineteen-oh-nine" so the year 2009 would be "twenty-oh-nine." This form may become more common now that teens and twenties will be used. That being said, the year 2013 is "twenty thirteen" but continues to be called "two thousand thirteen."

What is the correct way to spell out the year 1908?

Nineteen-oh-eight, or more formally, Nineteen hundred and eight.

In a cross country meet why does the team with the lowest score win?

because you had up the places you got, for example if you got first, eighth and tenth your score would be nineteen and if the other team got second, fifth, and thirteenth, then that team would have twenty, so your team would win