It is spelled formidable. Despite being the current champion, Punchy Pete knew that his next opponent would be a formidable adversary.
An example of using the word adjusted in a sentence would be the following sentence: She has adjusted to living in a new town.
Repetition would reinforce the lesson.
Using the word add in a sentence. Well, I would add the word add to the sentence by doing this: saying like what does the word Add mean? Well, your question is still a sentence. So anything with the word add is the sentence. Hope this helped.
use the word rigorousness in a sentence
E.g. "How do you use the word plentiful in a sentence?"
Since that is not a word I would not attempt to use it in a sentence.
You just did use the word colonize in a sentence.
how would you use the word finished in a command sentence
1. you did just use that word in a sentence 2. if a doctor would use the word tumor in a sentence they would probably say "we need to remove the tumor from this persons body."
The word mores is not a word.
This justifies the use of this word, in a sentence.
how to use the word zemblanity in a sentence
the book on adventure was flummoxed that's how i would use it in a sentence
How do you use in word urged in a sentence?If you had shown me your question before you asked it, I would have urged you to replace the first 'in' with the word 'the'.
I would use the word "theory" in a sentence like this: "The scientist presented a new theory to explain the findings of the experiment."
i love the word drastic
One way to use the word sell in a sentence would be: I am going to sell my scooter for $15.