Use a symbolically pattern to pass the test.
Repetition would reinforce the lesson.
An example of using the word adjusted in a sentence would be the following sentence: She has adjusted to living in a new town.
I would like to congratulate you for your latest achievement.
After the hurricane I saw a lot of chaos.
This factotum is merely a spineless pen-pusher, unable to voice an opinion of his own.
A factotum is a person who has many diverse responsibilities and duties, often serving as a general assistant or helper in various tasks.
Le factotum.
The Making of 'Factotum' - 2006 TV was released on: USA: 1 November 2006
The Making of 'Factotum' - 2006 TV is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-PG
He called him an upstart crow and a Johannes Factotum.
I would use it correctly in a sentence, of course. Thank you for asking.
Jarry use paroxysm in a sentence.\
I would use the word "theory" in a sentence like this: "The scientist presented a new theory to explain the findings of the experiment."
Would not that be "Would not that be?"?
Well, darling, a factotum is basically a jack-of-all-trades kind of person. They handle all sorts of tasks and duties, basically the go-to person for getting sh*t done. So if you need someone to wear multiple hats and juggle a bunch of responsibilities, you're looking for a factotum.