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Q: How will you know if a person is intelligent?
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Who is the most intelligent person you know?

my dad

Who is an intelligent person?

An intelligent person is one that thinks critically. Intelligence isn't about how much you know. It's about how well you think.

How do you know an intelligent person?

Many educated people have excellent communication skills.

What is different between Intelligent and intelligence?

an intelligent person knows what to do, how and when to do it. the ration person knows if its a good idea and will act on it if he believes so

Can a person have a thought if he does not have words in which to express it?

Yes a person can be highly intelligent on many subjects and have opions, but may not know how to express themselves to one or more people, but it does not make them any less intelligent.

Is it fair to say that an intelligent person that smokes is not intelligent after all?

It may seem fair to say in view of the damage caused by smoking. However, many intelligent people know the dangers and accept the risk because they are addicted to smoking. It takes certain strength and courage to quit. A person can be intelligent and not possess those strengths.

Why do you people think you know everything?

Maybe it's because you are an intelligent person, they expect you to have all of the answers.

When was An Intelligent Person's Guide to Atheism created?

An Intelligent Person's Guide to Atheism was created in 2001.

Can reading at dawn make you an intelligent person?

Reading ANY time will make you a more intelligent person.

Who is Hrisi?

Hrisi is a very nice and intelligent person. She writes in the magazine about serious topics. She is a brilliant artist, painting children books illustrations. As I know her, she is a very good and nice person! Hrisi is a very nice and intelligent person. She writes in the magazine about serious topics. She is a brilliant artist, painting children books illustrations. As I know her, she is a very good and nice person!

Is France a itelligent country?

Well, let me answer that question by saying this: A French person would know how to spell 'intelligent' correctly.

What is another way to say a know it all?

An alternative way to describe a know-it-all is to say that they are "overly knowledgeable" or have a "pompous demeanor."