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The assembly and order of text (canon) into what is known as "The Bible" took place over time as many did not agree to the inclusion of some texts into what is called "The Bible" or canon.

The Apocrypha is one such writing that is included in some Christian canon but not in others. There are other texts which are treated the same and argument until this very day resists their inclusion into canon. The books of Jerome and the lost books of acts are some of those texts which have been rejected as inclusion into canon.
If one is referring to the KJV bible... it came into existence in 1611

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Which "books" should be included was largely established by the Synod of Hippo in 393 AD. The Roman Catholic faith accepts a few books as canonical that are not accepted by most Protestant denominations; the main difference is that Protestant denominations reject most of the Old Testament books that are not present in the Hebrew Tanakh (which has been essentially stable since around 90 AD). Also, various denominations in the Orthodox tradition recognize a few Old Testament books that are not accepted by the Roman Catholic church.

There have been a number of English translations, with one of the earliest complete translations being that of John Wycliffe in the 1380s (translated from the Latin Vulgate, which was itself a translation from the original Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek texts). The "Authorized Version" ("King James Version") was completed in 1611 based mainly on the Masoretic Text (Hebrew) and the Textus Receptus (Greek), so closer to the original sources. (The Douay-Rheims Bible very slightly predates the KJV.) The number of English translations really exploded in the 20th and 21st century, with at least a dozen major translation projects producing Bibles since 2000 AD.

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