On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers we get: 5 gold eagle roman numeral 1988 in roman numerals is written as : V gold eagle and 1988= MCMLXXXVIII.
You cannot spell Lillian with Roman Numerals because there are no numerals that could be used to make an "A". The Roman Numerals are: I, V, X, L, C, D, M.
Well, honey, MCMLXXXVIII is Roman numerals for 1988. So, if you want to get straight to the point, it's 1988. No need for all that fancy Roman numeral business.
In today's terms 1988 in Roman numerals is: MCMLXXXVIII
16 = XVI
On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers we get: 5 gold eagle roman numeral 1988 in roman numerals is written as : V gold eagle and 1988= MCMLXXXVIII.
You cannot spell Lillian with Roman Numerals because there are no numerals that could be used to make an "A". The Roman Numerals are: I, V, X, L, C, D, M.
Well, honey, MCMLXXXVIII is Roman numerals for 1988. So, if you want to get straight to the point, it's 1988. No need for all that fancy Roman numeral business.
In today's notation they represent: 1988
In today's modern notation it is: I-September-MCMLXXXVIII
In today's terms 1988 in Roman numerals is: MCMLXXXVIII
The roman numeral for 1988 is MCMLXXXVIII.
Months need to be converted to numbers, so 1 for January. The answer: "I-XVI-MCMLXXXVIII"
You don't, because "hello kitty" is two words, while numerals are NUMBERS.
Rome is not traditionally spelled out using Roman numerals. Roman numerals are used to represent numbers in ancient Rome, not for spelling out words.