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They don't. The art of using the quipu and reading its meaning has been lost. Researchers have not been able to find anyone who has retained the knowledge, so they have set up a program via computer to analyze and interpret the quipus in their possession. It is a work in progress and they have not fully reported on their results.

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Did the Inca use the Quipu?

the incas used the quipus to keep records

How did Incas use knots as a measuring tool?

The Inca tied knots on a rope called quipu. It was used as record keeping.

How did Incas use knots as measuring tools?

The Inca tied knots on a rope called quipu. It was used as record keeping.

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The Inca's used the quipu to record numbers since they didn't have a form of writing. The quipu is a system of strings and knots used to represent numbers so that the Inca's wouldn't have to write down anything.

What did the Incas use to keep record?

They used a group of knotted strings called a quipu. The varying knots in a quipu represented different place values, making it easy to count crops or populations or anything that could be numbered in this way.

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How do you use the word Incas in a sentence?

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Where the incas use to live?
