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i'm a 5'2 12 year old boy and I weigh 100 pounds.

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Q: How much should a 5' 2 12-year-old boy weigh?
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U should weigh about 115 pounds.

If you were 13 yr old and your height is 5ft how much should you weigh?

If you are a boy, you should weigh at least 84 pounds.

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70lbs. About.

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Well a ten year old boy should probably weigh between 75 and 92 pounds.He should probably weigh 82 pounds.

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A 5'0 boy is usually 11-13 years old and should be 110-125

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There really is no specific limit to how much a fourteen year old boy should weigh. It depends on how tall you are, because if you were 5' 9", you should weigh more than a fourteen year old boy who is 5' 2".