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In general, and without a great deal more detail provided, about one cent.

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Q: How much is a penny worth that was struck with incomplete date?
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What is the value of a half-struck US cent with no date?

This type of error is called 'Off Center'. The more of the impression missing, the more it is valued, but those with a readable date and mint mark are the most valuable. If your penny (with no date) is an Indian Head penny it is worth $55.00. If it is a steel penny it is worth $45.00. Wheat pennies and Lincoln Memorial pennies are only worth $3.50.

How much is a penny policy worth from 1947?

in the uk penny policy to this date is worth about £7000

How much is a 1923 us silver penny worth?

Sorry, the US never struck any silver 1 cent coins of any date.

How much is a penny worth that you can't see the date on?

If the coin is that worn that the date is illegible, it will be worth nothing.

How can you tell if a penny is real?

By looking for a date did you know that if a 20p has no date it is worth 5,000

What is the Watergate penny worth?

Please post new question with a date for your " Watergate" penny.

What is a 1919 Indian head penny worth?

Please look at the date again and post new question. The last Indian Head cent was struck in 1909.

What is the worth of a greek one penny 1921?

A Greek one penny with a 1921 date on it is worth about $10. The exact amount will depend upon the condition that the penny is in.

How much is a 1905 wheat penny worth?

The first wheat cents were struck in 1909.If you have an Indian head cent with that date, see the Related Question for more details.

How much is a penny from 1691 worth?

With a date of 1691 it's not a US penny. Post new question.

How much is a penny with an s under the date worth?

It depends on the date, post new question.

How much is a penny worth that has a star fish on the back?

you wouldn't think it would be worth more than a penny. I have one and it is from the Bahama's, and the date is 2004.