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Q: How much evidence is the sufficient to support an inference that you make from a text?
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What is an unsupported inference?

An unsubstantiated opinion is an opinion without evidence, facts, or proof.

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What does it mean to take an infrence?

inference: a conclusion that attempts to explain or make sense of a observation

What type of faulty logic is used if you make a statement or express a conclusion when there is no evidence to support what is said and you ignore contrary facts?

The faulty logic being used in this scenario is known as argument from ignorance or argument from lack of evidence. This occurs when someone claims something is true simply because there is no evidence against it, ignoring the absence of evidence in support of the claim.

what inference can you make about the man from the evidence In this passage from to build a fire?

He regrets not listening to the old man's advice.

Can you make an inference without having made any observations?

No, inferences are conclusions drawn from observations and evidence. Without any observations, there is no basis to make an inference.

What is it called when an officer believes he has sufficient evidence to make an arrest?

Probable cause.

How do you say to make an inference in spanish?

to make an inference = to infer = inferir

When you interpret what you have observed you are inferring true or false?

When interpreting what you have observed, you are making an inference based on the available evidence. This inference can be either true or false depending on the accuracy of the observations and the validity of the reasoning used to make the interpretation.

How do you use inference in a sentence?

You can make an inference based on an observation. The mayor did not appreciate the inference that the city government was incompetent.

What is an empirical inference?

An empirical inference is a conclusion or prediction drawn from evidence obtained through observation or experimentation. It involves using data to make an educated guess or generalization about a particular phenomenon based on collected information.

Can you make an inference without having made an observation?

no because how can you make an inference without making an observation