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Im,12and 7stone

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Q: How much does an overweight 12 year old weigh?
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How much does an overweight 12-year-old weigh?


How much does female 40 year old weigh at 5'9?

use the bmi it will tell you if your average skinny or overweight

How much should a 12 yer old weigh?

An average 12 year old of and average height should weigh around 12 stone. They are not overweight but are just growing out of their puppy fat.

What is the average weight for a 5' 2 14-year-old girl - and is 105 pounds overweight?

you're not overweight. I'm twelve and I weigh 122 but I'm 5' You arent overweight i am 12 and i weigh about 102..

If you weigh 63kgs and are 5 are you overweight?

Assuming you mean 5 years old then YES. A 16yo weighing that much would possible be overweight so of course a 5yo should not weigh that much.

Im 4'7 and im a 11 year old girl and i weigh 130lb is that overweight?


How much should a 5ft 1in 10 year old boy weigh?

A boy that is 5' 1" and is 10 years old should weigh close to 70 pounds. If they are overweight, they should try to be more active.

Is a 4' 9 87 pound 12-year-old girl overweight?

A 4-year-old is overweight if he weighs 84 pounds. On average, a 4 year old boy should weigh about 35 pounds.

How much should a 5 foot 14 year old girl weigh?

around 100 pounds because any more would be overweight of you stomache

How much should a 16 year old weigh?

Try computing for your BMI to determine if your underweight, normal, overweight or obese based on your weight, height, and age.

When is a 4'6 ten year old girl overweight?

I guess she should weigh from 70-80 pounds probably over 80 should be a little overweight

You are a 12 year old boy and weigh 96 pounds are you overweight?

That does sound overweight yes...I've seen some woman in their 20's weigh about 95 pounds, for a 12 year old boy that is quite worrying, should exercise a lot and eat healthy too.