there are two syllables
The word fountain has two syllables.
The word gallop has two syllables: gall up
Gravity has three syllables (grav-it-y).
E-qui-li-bri-um has five syllables.
there are two syllables
two syllables
"Mayflower" has two syllables: "may" and "flow-er."
2 syllables
The amount of syllables in "Curry"
There are two syllables in Welcome
Address has two syllables.
The word ignored has two syllables. The syllables of the word are ig-nored.
There are four syllables. A-mer-i-ca.
There are three syllables. Main-te-nance.
"Prepositional phrase" has six syllables.
There are three syllables in curious. Cur-i-ous.