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Q: How may objects in 3.5 gross of paper clips?
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Is a piece of paper 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional?

All objects in our universe, including paper, are actually 3 dimensional. Paper may be very thin, but the thickness of paper is larger than zero. If it had a thickness of zero, it could not exist. But when we write on paper, we are usually using it to create pictures that are effectively two dimensional. Of course, even ink on paper, or pencil or any other writing medium still has some thickness, but we do not see the thickness so we think of it as two dimensional. In Einsteinian physics, the objects in our universe are actually four dimensional since time is also a dimension.

What is constalation a number of?

It is a number of astronomical objects which may be stars, galaxies or other large radiant objects.

What does 39 pencils for 9.75 cost per gross?

Cost of each pencil is: 9.75/39. Or, .25 each. A gross is 144 items. So, a gross of pencils would cost 36. Of course, a gross is a unit of quantity where there is often a discount from the single unit price. So a gross of pencils may have a price less than 144 times the single unit price.

If you make 8.00 an hour how much will the gross income be?

This depends on may things, in particular on where you live.

What is the length as a power of 10?

Length is not a value in itself. It is an attribute of objects and, in the context of an object, it may have a value. That value can be expressed as a power of 10.Length is not a value in itself. It is an attribute of objects and, in the context of an object, it may have a value. That value can be expressed as a power of 10.Length is not a value in itself. It is an attribute of objects and, in the context of an object, it may have a value. That value can be expressed as a power of 10.Length is not a value in itself. It is an attribute of objects and, in the context of an object, it may have a value. That value can be expressed as a power of 10.

Related questions

How many paper clips can you hang from a paper clip?

The number of paper clips you can hang from a single paper clip will depend on the strength of the paper clip and the weight of the paper clips being hung. On average, you may be able to hang 5-10 paper clips before the weight causes the paper clip to bend or break.

How many paper clips can float in the water?

The number of paper clips that can float in water will depend on their size, shape, and weight. In general, a paper clip is made of steel, which is denser than water, so it will sink. However, with careful positioning or surface tension effects, a few paper clips may be able to float on the surface of the water.

Are paper clips good conductors of electricity?

Paper clips are decent conductors of electricity because they are made of metal (usually steel). However, they may not be as efficient as other metals like copper or silver due to their higher resistance.

Where can one find sport clips coupons?

Sports Clips coupons can be found at,, and You may want to keep and eye out in the Sunday paper for weekly coupons.

List 4 things you may measure in millimeters?

paper clips beads finger nails length of an eraser

Does the size of a magnet hold more paper clips?

The size of a magnet does not necessarily determine how many paper clips it can hold. The strength of the magnet, which is measured by its magnetic field, is what determines how many paper clips it can hold. A smaller magnet with a stronger magnetic field may be able to hold more paper clips than a larger magnet with a weaker magnetic field.

How much does 5 paper clips weigh together?

All paper clips are not created equal and come in several sizes ranging from small to palm-sized and may be constructed of metal or plastic. A common size is approximately 2 cm or 3/4" long and made of steel. The weight of this standard, paper clip is about 1 gr. 5 would weigh 5 g.

How many paper clips will float in a cup of water?

It will be very depending on the glass size. You may float 100 paper clips on the sink.

What is the mass of paper clips and a light bulb?

The mass of paper clips is typically around 0.5 grams each, while the mass of a light bulb varies depending on the type and size. For example, a standard incandescent light bulb may weigh around 50 grams.

Why is it easier to bend paper clips than hair grips?

Paper clips are typically made of thin metal wire that is designed to be flexible and easy to bend. Hair grips, on the other hand, are usually made of a stronger and thicker metal that is less prone to bending, making them harder to manipulate. Additionally, hair grips may have a coating or finish that adds strength and durability.

What is the meaning of bizzare?

The word bizarre has a variety of means, It be mean that something is weird, grotesque, or odd. If someone eats paper clips, that behavior may be considered bizarre to others.

What is the problems of make a paper clip float?

Making a paper clip float can be challenging due to its density compared to water. Paper clips are denser than water, causing them to sink when submerged. To make a paper clip float, you would need to displace enough water to counteract the weight of the paper clip, which may require creative solutions or additional materials.