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Q: How many years will it be until the next 121212?
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How many years until the next century?

Um, 91 years. It's 2009, so the next century is 2100. R U okay?

How many years makes up one term in office for a president?

Four years until the next election

If this is 2009 how many more years until leap year?

3 years, as 2012 was the next leap year after 2009.

How many days until the next leap year?

Leap years are usually every four years. They will occur every four years until the year 2096, then the next one after that will be eight years later. So since 2012 is a leap year, the next one will be 2016, followed by 2020, 2024, and so on.

Where will the next eclipse happen?

at least 2 years until the next eclipse.

How long until the next venus transit?

105 years

How many leap years have there been since 1933?

From 1933 to 2012, there have been 19 leap years. 1932 was a leap year but the next one wasn't until 1936.

How many days to next Christmas?

there are 359 days until the next christma

What year will it be until you have another presidential election?

The next US presidential election is in 2012.

How many centurys will it take until January the first falls on a Sunday encluding leap years?

The last time January 1 was on a Sunday was 2006. The next time is 2012. The next time after that is 2017.

When was the last general election in Antigua?

The last general election in Antigua was four years ago. Next year it will be five years until the next general election.

How long did it take for the Mona Lisa to be completed?

Until the next morning.