In the last 400 years (since 1610) there have been 97 leap years. The most recent was 2008.
There are two and one syllables in "recent" and "where," respectively.
It varies depending on demand. In recent years production has been between 7 and 13 billion pieces per year. Production figures for years up to 2003 are available at the link below
2004 and 2008 were the most recent. The next one is 2012.
According to recent estimates, around 350 light years or 107 parsecs
In recent years, about 300,000 people were injured in alcohol-related collisions.
the main reason why the sahel streched so many ways is from the way of the water and storms in the pass recent years.
the main reason why the sahel streched so many ways is from the way of the water and storms in the pass recent years.
None in recent years.
In the last 400 years (since 1610) there have been 97 leap years. The most recent was 2008.
borrowe money
borrowe money
Young men had higher rates of emigration in recent years.
Ozone layer was depleted. It's size has been coming to normal in recent years.