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The last verse of John tell us this bit of information:

John 21:25 - "There are also, in fact, many other things that Jesus did, which if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose the world itself could not contain the scrolls written."

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Q: How many words where spoken by Jesus Christ?
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How many words where spoken by Jesus Christ in the new testament?

2026 according to Swordsearcher

How many words did Christ speak in the gospel of Matthew?

This is most easily found out by obtaining a red-letter Bible (with the words in red being those spoken by Jesus). Alternatively, you can use the search engine of your choice and find this out, in this manner.

How many times are the words Jesus Christ together not Jesus and Christ but Jesus Christ mentioned in the Bible?

198 times in King James Version (189 verses)

Shouldn't the name Jesus Christ be Jesus the Christ?

That is a wonderful question, but the Bible does not use much punctuation, so in reality, speaking of the grammar, it is suppose to be written Jesus, Christ. not Jesus Christ. As many references in the KJV of the Bible, is Christ Jesus, written correctly Christ, Jesus, or Jesus, Christ. It is referring to Christ.

How many times is Jesus Christ used in the bible?

The words "Jesus Christ" is used 187 times in King James version. Source:

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The Gospel According to Jesus Christ has 396 pages.

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I looked up "Jesus" on the scripture search and got 165 scripture references from the Book of Mormon. Many of the scripture references used Jesus's name more than once and I didn't count all of those. However, there are many other names for "Jesus." Some of them are: Christ Savior Advocate Redeemer The Lamb The Lamb of God Lord Prince of Peace Messiah Deliverer There are also many others. Just using "Jesus" will not get the complete reference collection, as Jesus is refered to by many other names.

How many times Jesus Christ is mentioned in noun or pronoun in New Testament?

King James Version (KJV) Jesus 983 times Christ 571 times Jesus Christ 550 times Jesus and Christ are proper nouns. The pronoun for Jesus and Christ is 'he.' 'he' is used 3071 times in the (KJV) New Testament, but not all those 'he's refer to Jesus or Christ. To find which ones do and how many takes an algorithm beyond this searcher's capability.

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How many hours and minutes do all of Jesus words total?

"Word" is not a unit of time. The same number of words takes different amounts of time to be spoken by different people, and even to be spoken by the same person if he's rested or tired, interested in the words or not, etc.