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Q: How many words are in the book Number the Stars?
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Related questions

Have you heard of number the stars?

Yes, I, and many others have heard of Number the Stars.

How many stars are in a book review?


How many pages are in the stars book?

208 pages

How many stars your on your flag?

There is 50 stars on my flag which is the American flag's number of stars.

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How many galaxies and stars are there in the univese?

The number of the galaxies has never, nor likely to be, accurately counted. Certainly there are many billions. As there are many 100s of millions of stars in an average galaxy then the number of stars is uncertain, but very large.

How many pages does Last Words - book - have?

Last Words - book - has 320 pages.

Do you say 'count the stars' or 'count the number of stars'?

Both could be correct it depends on the situation. If you could count the stars how many so you think there are? Count the number of stars you can see out the window.

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How many pages are in the book i am number four?

the number of pages in the book I Am Number is 420Four

How many pages are in the 2011 edition of Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

The 2011 reissue edition of Number the Stars has 156 pages.

Which famous sports stars wore number 95?

many famous sports stars have worn this number we suggest you go to