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Q: How many times was the word LOVE mention in the Old Testament?
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How many times is the word 'love' used in the New Testament?

The word 'love' is used 202 times in the New Testament of the King James Version of The Bible. Love is used a total of 442 time through out the entire Bible.

How Many times does jesus mention wine in new testament?

Yes during the last supper. even when he made the water into wine.

How many times does love appear in the old and New Testament?

The word love appears in 281 verses of the KJV bible.

How many time is the word love in the bible?

The word 'love' is written 546 times in The Bible. A similar word, 'charity', is found 24 times in the New Testament.

How many times does the word love appear in the Old Testament in the King James version of the Bible?

In the King James version the exact word - love - appears 131 times in the Old Testament. This count excludes the word's variants, such as loves, loved, loveth etc.

How many times are the words 'father you' mentioned in the New Testament?

Father is mentioned 979 times with 'father you' being mention just once in John 8:44 (as the words 'Father ye' in the KJV).

How many times in the bible does God use love?

It depends on the translation because sometimes the word love is translated as charity mainly in the New Testament. Using the New International Version translation the word "love" is used 508 times.

How many times is the elect used in the new testament?

Elect is used 13 times in the New Testament.

How many times is 'but' used in the Old Testament?

In the King James version the word - but - appears 2323 times in the Old Testament

How many times does the bible mention simple?

20 times