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Q: How many times the word hope is found in the book of Job?
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How many times is word hope in the Book of Mormon?

The word "hope" is found in 53 verses in the Book of Mormon, sometimes being used more than once in a verse.

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From my research I found it 61 times. Hope that helps!

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It is found once in the book of Acts.

How many times is the word hope found in the Bible?

More importantly how many times did Jesus use the word 'hope'? Only two times and it was used in the context of chastisement. Now I find that interesting!

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18 times according to Strongs concordance of the KJV.

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The word pastor is found once in the book of Jeremiah (old testament KJV), pastors is found seven times in the same book and one time in the book of Ephesians 4:11 (New Testament KJV)

How many times is the word pastor used in the Bible?

The word pastor is found once in the book of Jeremiah (old testament KJV), pastors is found seven times in the same book and one time in the book of Ephesians 4:11 (new testament KJV)

How many times does the word hope appear in the book of Matthew?

In the King James version the word - hope - does not appear at all in the Gospel according to Saint Matthew

How many times is the word beast used in the book of revalation?

According to, the word "beast" is found in the New International Version (NIV) translation of the book of Revelation eight (8) times.

Where is clean in Bible?

The word "clean" is found many, many times in the Bible. Scriptural references (at least in the NIV version) that use the word "clean" can mostly be found in the book of Leviticus. Leviticus is the third book of the Old Testament.

How many times is the word Church after Revelations 4?

The word Church is not found after chapter 4 in the Book of Revelation

How many times does the word hope appear in the KJV bible?

Hope appears 126 times in the Bible (KJV). 68 times in the Old Testament and 58 times in the New Testiment.