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Q: How many times is the word anti-christ is mentioned in the book of revelation?
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The number 666 is mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, specifically in Revelation 13:18. It is associated with the "mark of the beast" symbolizing allegiance to the Antichrist.

Is the word antichrist mentioned in Isaiah?

The word antichrist is not mentioned in the book of Isaiah. The word antichrist is mentioned 4 times in the Bible. It is mentioned in 1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3 and in 2 John 1:7.

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How many times is the phrase 'coming soon' mentioned in the book of Revelation?

In the NIV, "coming soon" appears five times in Revelation:3:1111:1422:722:1222:20.

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No, the church of Galatia is not specifically mentioned in the book of Revelation. The book primarily addresses seven churches in Asia Minor, but does not mention Galatia.

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The church is the bride of Christ mentioned in Revelation 19.

How many times does the word Anti Christ appear in the book of revelation?

It is not mentioned in Revelation. Only several times in 2 Thessalonians and once in 1 John. The Greek word used here is 'anomos' meaning 'without law.' So this word is being used to depict the 'man of rebellion.' This is the exact opposite of what Jesus represents - righteousnesss/obedience. Revelation speaks of 'the Beast' who is the embodiment of evil and the great opponent of Christ and His Kingdom - openly defying the Sovereign Ruler. In a more general sense, there have been and still are many antichrist - lesser than this coming Beast. All who rebels against God is in effect an antichrist.

How many times is the word seventh mentioned in the book of revelations?

It would be best if you read it and count. Also the name of the book is not revalations; It is The Book of the Revelation.

Which book is The New Jerusalem mentioned in the Bible?

New Jerusalem is mentioned in the Book of Revelation (3:12, 21:2).

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There are 7 churches mentioned in the book of Revelation (1,2,3)... There is no church of Matthew mentioned there.

When was The Antichrist - book - created?

The Antichrist - book - was created in 1895.

How many time the word 'come' mentioned in the book of Revelation?
