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I haven't finish counting yet but I wil get back with you later. Mullen

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Q: How many times is holy spirit spirit or spirit of God mentioned in the book of Acts?
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How many times is the word song mentioned in the book of acts?

In the King James version the word - song - does not appear at all in the Book of Acts

Where is the holy spirit mentioned in the bible?

In the book of Acts around chapter 1-2 when the disciples were scared and hiding in the room , the holy spirit came in the form of a strong wind.

In what book of the Bible are the gifts of the Spirit mentioned?

The gifts of the Spirit are spoken of at greatest length by the Apostle Paul in First Corinthians. You will also find considerable mention of them (or allusions to them) in the gospels, Acts, Romans, and Hebrews.

Where is word church mentioned in book of Acts?

The word church from the Greek word "ekklēsia" is used approximately 15 times in the book of Acts. It is a very good read so you should try it.

How many times does the word power appearin the book of Acts of the apostles?

The word "power" appears in the Book of Acts of the Apostles 11 times.

which book in bible is called the Gospel of the Holy Spirit?

There is no book in the Bible called the "Gospel of the Holy Spirit." The Gospels in the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which tell the story of Jesus' life and teachings. The Holy Spirit is mentioned throughout the New Testament as the third person of the Trinity.

Where in the Bible is the name Paul first mentioned?

Paul is first mentioned in the bible in the book of Acts.

How many people got baptised in Holy spirit in acts?

The book of Acts says they came in large numbers and got baptised in the holy spirit.

How many times is Greece mentioned in the Bible?

Greece is mentioned 5 times in the Bible In the book of Daniel chapter 8 verse 21, chapter 10 verse 20, chapter 11 verse 2 In the book of Zechariah chapter 9 verse 13 In the book of Acts chapter 20 verse 2

Why the churches do have the power like the book of act?

The churches wich promot the book of acts accepting the boptize with holy spirit as acts chapter two they has been and always by field with the power of holy spirit

Is cafar a town in The Bible?

The town Cafar is mentioned in the book of Acts.