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The word "holy" appears 611 times in the King James Version of The Bible. It is used to describe God, objects, places, and people that are set apart for sacred purposes. The concept of holiness is central to many religious traditions and signifies purity, righteousness, and divine separation.

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11y ago

The word "holy" is in the King James Version of the Bible 611 times. It is in 544 verses.

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You can see it for yourself in those 612 references you have found for the word holy. Just glancing down the references I can see, 'holy conversation; holy convocation; holy men', and that in the first few references. And in the last few references there are, 'holy prophets and apostles; holy city; Holy Ghost'. And of course there are many more to be found; but the Bible does not give any more 'breakdown' of the 612 times 'holy' is used.

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