I would like to rephrase this question. The Bible has been edited thousands of times, Sometimes by professionals (King James Version), and sometimes for just easier understanding (Clear Word). Every single one of these bibles have been translated to mean the same thing. Editing over years, as the person above has mentioned, so many times, we will never know, but the bible itself has never changed
Bible has not been edited to change the message of the Bible.
Worship has been used many times as a noun in the bible.
The Bible has been written once, but has been translated countless times in over 2500 languages.
The number of the books of the Bible has changed many times. At the Council of Nicea the Catholic Fathers chose the canon but several books have been found to have errors or predicted things that did not transpire. Therefore, books have been weeded out to leave only 66 in the Protestant Bible.
The Bible has been translated into about 5000 modern languages, plus many more other languages down through the centuries that are not used now. The Bible has been translated into English about 80 times since John Wycliff's first English translation.
the constitution has been changed 10 times.
Bible has not been edited to change the message of the Bible.
"Almond has been" is not repeated in the Bible
Worship has been used many times as a noun in the bible.
87 times
The Bible has been written once, but has been translated countless times in over 2500 languages.
it has been changed 3 times. :)
it's only been changed once
The number of the books of the Bible has changed many times. At the Council of Nicea the Catholic Fathers chose the canon but several books have been found to have errors or predicted things that did not transpire. Therefore, books have been weeded out to leave only 66 in the Protestant Bible.
The word 'alter' appears five (5) times in the King James version of the Bible. The word 'altar' appears 372 times.
It's not certain that exactly 40 people wrote the Bible. They would have lived in the Middle East, around what is now Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Iraq. Don't forget that that whole area has been under many different rulers; borders and names of areas have changed many times over the hundreds of years of writing the Bible, and have changed many times in more recent years.