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71 times in 68 verses of the King James Version of The Bible (as per Strong's Concordance)

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Q: How many times does the word wept appear in the Bible?
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How many times is tears mentioned in the new testament?

I can remember one incident mentioned in the Bible in the gospel of John chapter11 verse 35 it says that Jesus wept. The shortest verse in the bible.

Where in the bible is the shortesr verse he wept?

John 11:35 - "Jesus wept."

How many verses in the Bible have two words?

Just One: John 11:35 "Jesus wept". It is the shortest verse in the Bible.

What is the shortest verse in the original Bible?

Depending on edition it is either "Jesus wept" or "and Jesus wept".

What is shorted verse in the bible?

jesus wept

What is the shortest verse in the bible and what does it say?

Jesus wept

Where does 'He wept' appear in the Bible?

Nehemiah wept over Jerusalem(Nehemiah 1:4)David wept over his sons' deaths(2 Samuel 18:33) (2 Samuel 12:21)Peter wept when he realized he'd 'denied Christ' (Matthew 26:75)Jesus wept when he saw how Lazarus' death hurt his family (John 11:33-35)and also over Jerusalem's coming distruction(Luke 19:41)

What is the easiest Bible verse to remember?

Jesus wept because that is the smallest verse in the bible

What is the smallest verse in bible?

"Jesus wept" is the shortest verse which is John 11:35.

What book of the bible says Jesus wept?

The sentence "Jesus wept" is the shortest verse in the Bible. In the King James version It is in the Gospel According to Saint John, chapter 11, verse 35

Where do you find Jesus wept in the Bible?

He wept several times. In the Garden of Gethsemane, before he was to die "His tears were like blood dripping to the rock." And when his friend Lazarus died, he wept for his friend.(John 11:34-Jesus Wept) He was a human being with feelings.

Shortest verse in the Bible what is it?

"Jesus wept." (John 11:35)