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Q: How many times does the word faith appear in the New Testament of the King James Version?
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How many times does the word faith appear in the New Testament?

In the King James version the word - faith - appears 245 times in the New Testament.

How many times does the word FAITH appears in the New Testament?

In the King James version the word - faith - appears 245 times in the New Testament.

How many times is the word faith in the Old Testament?

In the King James Version of the Bible, the word faith is in the Old Testament two times, in Deuteronomy 32:20 and Habakkuk 2:4. The word believe is in the Old Testament 19 times.

How many times is the word 'faith' used in the New and Old Testaments?

The word "faith" is used 249 times in the King James version, of which only 2 are in the Old Testament.

How many times does the word faith appear in the Old Testament of the King James Version?

2 times. Deut. 32:20 And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith. Hab 2:4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him, but the just shall live by faith.

How many times is the phrase by faith used in the Bible?

It is used 12 times ,( all in the New Testament, funnily-enough ! ), in the King James Version and the NET Bible.

How many times is the word faith listed in the bible?

The word 'faith' appears 246 times in the King James Version (KJV). Of the 246 times it appears twice in the Old Testament and 244 times in the New Testament. Related terms include faithful, faithfully, faithless, and unfaithful.

How many times do faith appear in the bible?

336 times. 83 times in the Old Testament and 253 times in the New Testament

Is faith mentioned in the Old Testament?

Answer:There are no verses that use the word 'faith' in the King James Version, Old Testament, according to the Bible Encyclopedia and Concordance, edited by JL Hurlbut and AJP McClure copyright 1944, by the John C Winston Co. There are 2 verses that use the word 'faith' in the New International Version, Old Testament, according to The Thompson Comprehensive Bible Helps, 2nd Ed, Copyright 1990, BB Kirkbride Bible Co, Inc. These are: II Chron 20:20 "...Have faith in the Lord your God..."Hab 2:4 "...but the righteous will live by his faith..."Another answer:Yes it is. The Old Testament (King James version) contains 58 references to faith in several variations: "faith" (twice; Deuteronomy 32:20 and Habakkuk 2:4), "faithful" (30 times), "faithfully" (8 times), and "faithfulness" (19 times). The idea of faith (or lack of it) is also represented any number of times by words such as "believe," "belief" and "trust."

What are the five themes of the book of James from the Bible KJV version?

The themes in James are the growth of faith, the works of faith, the power of faith, the validity of faith, and the reassurance of faith. Faith without it being carried out in daily life is dead faith.

How many time does the word faith appear in the Bible?

The word "faith" appears 247 times in the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible.

Is there a book in the bible called Jude?

Yes, there is a book in the Bible called Jude. It is the last book in the New Testament and is a short epistle written by Jude, who identifies himself as the brother of James. It addresses false teachings and exhorts believers to contend for the faith.